Ruben Xavier “XMAN” Launches New Elite SDVOB Network Chapter in Los Angeles
!Elite SDVOB Network
Empowering Veterans in Business and Contracts
Ruben, affectionately known as “XMAN,” is a force to be reckoned with. A Marine Corps veteran himself, he embodies resilience, determination, and a commitment to serving his fellow veterans. Now, he’s taking that commitment to the next level by launching the Elite Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB) Network – Los Angeles Chapter.
A Beacon of Support for Veterans
The Elite SDVOB Network is more than just an organization—it’s a family. Comprised of certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses (SDVOBs) and Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprises (DVBEs), the network provides a platform for veterans to thrive in the business world. And with Ruben at the helm, the Los Angeles chapter is poised to make a significant impact.
Business Assistance: Navigating the Maze
Starting a business can be daunting, especially for veterans transitioning from military service. Ruben understands this firsthand. His vision for the Los Angeles chapter is clear: to assist veterans through the maze of paperwork, agencies, and individuals necessary to establish and grow successful businesses. Whether it’s connecting veterans with mentors, providing workshops on business fundamentals, or offering guidance on securing contracts, the chapter aims to be a beacon of support.
Business Opportunities: Building Wealth
Owning a small business is a powerful wealth-building tool, and Ruben recognizes its potential for veterans. The chapter will focus on educating veterans about business investment strategies, state and local contracting, purchasing and structuring businesses. By empowering veterans to become a small business owner, the Elite SDVOB Network aims to create lasting financial stability.
Pedaling Forward: The Veteran Bike Program
But it’s not all business and paperwork. Ruben knows that physical health and camaraderie are equally important. That’s why the Los Angeles chapter has launched the Veteran Bike Program. Veterans can participate in group rides, explore scenic routes, and build connections with fellow riders. It’s a way to stay active, bond with like-minded individuals, and enjoy the freedom of the open road.
Get Involved!
Ruben invites all veterans, business owners, and allies to join the Elite SDVOB Network – Los Angeles Chapter. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your business journey, there’s a place for you. Together, we’ll honor the sacrifices of our veterans, celebrate their resilience, and pave the way for a brighter future.
Volunteer Commitment:
As an all-volunteer organization, the Elite SDVOB Network embodies a steadfast commitment to serving the broader SDVOB community, drawing strength from its dedicated volunteers and supporters.
In essence, the Elite Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business Network stands as a beacon of support and empowerment for SDVOBs, fostering a collaborative environment where members thrive and succeed.